Our plans: 2021 – 2026
It is an exciting time for St Catherine’s Hospice as we launch our next 5 Year Plan, setting out our priorities and goals for the coming years.
As with everything at St Catherine’s, it’s been created with patients and their loved ones at its heart – using their experiences and feedback to help shape our direction and approach.
Our vision remains unchanged – that everyone in Central Lancashire has quality of life, to the end of life.
There are lots of specifics plans and priorities hooked around four main goals of improving our responsiveness, co-ordination, integration and accessibility.
We want to make sure people get the right support, at the right time, from the right people – regardless of their diagnosis, wherever they live in Central Lancashire, and whatever their background.
You can find out more about our plans and the inspiration behind them in our short animation below (*music credit https://www.bensound.com).

Working towards our goals whilst reducing our impact on the environment
As we work towards our own goals within our 5 Year Plan, we are committed to minimising our impact on the environment – both throughout our premises and via our services.
Our aim is to contribute – as responsible members of our local, national and global community – to a reduction in waste and carbon usage, and to work towards a sustainable environment.
We will assess the environmental impact of our activities and set objectives and targets in order to continually improve our environmental performance. We will regularly review these targets.
We will:
• Promote responsibility for the environment within the organisation and communicate our Environmental Policy at all levels to our staff and volunteers and to our external community
• Seek to reduce our use of energy, water and other resources
• Minimise waste by means of reduction, re-use and recycling
• Comply with all relevant environmental legislation & regulation
• Identify and provide appropriate training, advice and information for staff and encourage them to develop new ideas and adopt initiatives
• Provide appropriate resources to meet the commitments of this policy
• Seek to avoid risk of pollution and harmful emissions that may be caused by our activities
• Aim to procure goods and services from sustainable and environmentally responsible providers
• Consider the environmental impact of our vehicle use and establish initiatives to reduce this impact
Last updated November 2021.