Advice & Resources Library
Find all the latest guidelines and resources for Professionals, Patients, Families, Fundraisers and Volunteers.

What to expect when someone is approaching the end of their life
Information for family, friends and carers, including how to support someone, places of care, syringe drivers, physical changes, changes to eating and drinking, and changes to breathing

Anticipatory (Just in Case) Medications
Information for patients and carers, provided by NHS by Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

What to do with digital accounts
Guidance from Hospice UK about what to do with online accounts like Facebook, Netflix and WhatsApp messages and photos when the account holder dies

Organ donation
Information from Hospice UK about why organ donation is important; who can be an organ donor; and how to register as an organ donor

Planning ahead – resources from Hospice UK
Planning things like what type of funeral you want and who to leave your belongings to can make your final days easier, giving you more time with family and friends. From Hospice UK

Making decisions about treatment and advance care planning
Advance care planning can help you to record what sort of care you want to have and who should be consulted if you become too unwell to make decisions. From Hospice UK