Two of our Mill café volunteers, Rajesh Jinabhai and Frazana Crompton, will be cooking up a storm at this year’s Garstang Show – as they showcase two of their own recipes and use their love of food to support a worthy cause.
Here, they explain how they got involved with St Catherine’s, why they enjoy volunteering so much, and what has inspired them to go beyond their usual duties for the show.
Fraz says:
Who would have thought that two years on from first volunteering for The Mill, I would be cooking an authentic curry for hundreds of people at this year’s Garstang Show with my new-found friend Raj?
Cooking is a passion for both of us, so this is really exciting! Our recipes are for a sweet potato, aubergine and pepper curry, and a chicken and mixed bean curry.
Raj has become a good friend during my time volunteering at The Mill – it’s wonderful to do this together in the name of such a good cause.
He has come up with the fantastic name of Fraj’s Kitchen for the occasion, and we’ll be working alongside The Mill Outside – the outside catering service of the café – with profits from the curries going to St Catherine’s.
I initially wanted to get involved with the charity after hearing of the wonderful care experienced by family of my friends. All of them have said that the overwhelming care and support they received was second to none.
So when I heard a few years ago that The Mill had opened within the hospice grounds and wanted volunteers, I thought why not give something back to this worthy and local charity?
It’s been a great way to challenge myself and experience something new. It also feels good to do something different from everyday life. It’s a great way of meeting lots of interesting people and making new friends.
Believe me, when I say no two days are the same, I mean it! There is never a dull moment, which is a good thing. It also feels good to do something different from everyday life.
Winston Churchill once said: “You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”
And for me volunteering is just that.
Raj says:
My father was cared for by St Catherine’s and passed away peacefully here 21 years ago.
We have always been grateful for the support, treatment and compassionate care we experienced as a family, and for my father in the final days of this life.
He was so happy and peaceful, and these memories will always be cherished and never forgotten.
We have been visiting the hospice every year on his birthday, anniversary and for the Light Up A Life dedications, to pay our respects, prayers, and donate for this incredible charity.
So when I first visited The Mill when it initially opened and I heard they wanted volunteers, it was a no-brainer; this was an opportunity to give back to something close to my heart, to make new friends and help towards the mammoth yearly running costs of the hospice.
Working for The Mill is just a privilege and honour, as the end rewards just make me feel happy.
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