Bags of festive fun on last day of school term – all for St Catherine’s Hospice
A secondary school enjoyed a host of festive fun on the last day of term all in the name of raising funds for St Catherine’s Hospice.
Christ the King Catholic Maths and Computing College organised a whole morning of Christmas-themed activities in aid of the charity.
Highlights included a competition between forms to see who could make the best recycled Christmas tree – with staff from St Catherine’s judging the winners.
First prize went to form SRD from Sisley House for their creation made out of welded together plastic bottles and decorations created from sweet wrappers.
Pupils also battled it out in a festive quiz and a relay race dressed up in Santa suits around the school gym.
There were also stalls selling a variety of Christmas treats and festive-themed games such as pin the nose on the Santa.
Along with the proceeds from the day, teacher Bryan Woodcock is helping to organise a Christmas quiz at The Sebastopol Inn in Chorley and the money raised on the night will be donated to St Catherine’s. It follows his colleague Angela Hamilton’s skydive in aid of the charity earlier this year, which raised a fantastic £1,200 for the hospice.
Tina Forshaw, one of the main organisers of the festive celebrations at the school, said: “Once again we have had a ball celebrating the start of the Christmas holidays in lots of different ways.
“It is wonderful to be able to use all that joy and enthusiasm to raise funds for such an important place like St Catherine’s.”
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