Bereavement Support Drop-In (evening session) March
20 March 2025 6:00 pm
Our monthly bereavement drop-in provides mutual support to bereaved people and is an opportunity to speak with the St Catherine’s Support Team and others in your community.
Leyland Trucks’ annual Helping Hand event, which last year saw more than 110 cyclists cover 8,000 miles to raise more than £16,000, has been cancelled for the first time since it started. Yet to ensure local charities aren’t impacted further by the effects of COVID-19 on the not-for-profit sector, Leyland Trucks has launched Factory to Festival (FTF) Miles Better Together – a fortnight-long, safe and socially-distanced fundraising event.
Set to take place between Saturday 25th July and Sunday 9nd August – during the factory’s annual shutdown period – the event will see Leyland Trucks’ team, their families and friends grab their bikes, running shoes or walking boots to collectively cover as many miles as physically possible to contribute to a target of 2,800 miles – the distance you would cover if you were to visit DAF’s main European operations.
Leyland Trucks has carefully selected the charities which will benefit from the FTF Miles Better Together challenge, as thank you to those that have delivered vital front line and care services throughout COVID-19. Donations from the event will be provided to St Catherine’s Hospice, The Ambulance Service Charity and other NHS front line charities.
This event has now passed
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