Bereavement Support Drop-In (evening session) March
20 March 2025 6:00 pm
Our monthly bereavement drop-in provides mutual support to bereaved people and is an opportunity to speak with the St Catherine’s Support Team and others in your community.
The event is open to any garden in South Ribble – Entry forms must be received by Monday 6th July by post, by text, by email or via their website www.southribblerotary.org.uk.
There are categories for members of gardening clubs as well as for NHS and key workers who have time restrictions when tending their gardens. There are three classes for front, side/back gardens and vegetable plots. Judges will have the discretion to give “spot prizes” for eye catching features like ponds, pots, hanging baskets or whatever you have created within your garden.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the Competition Secretary, Humphrey at humph.johnson@gmail.com or on 07836 328730 by text.
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