Page 25 - Light Up a Life Remembrance Book 2024
P. 25

Gleave                 Brenda                        Goulding                        Shiela
                              Gleave                 Barry                         Goulding                        Harry

                              Gleeson                Isabella                      Goulding                        Sheila
                              Gleeson                Michael                       Goymer                          Ezra

                              Gleeson                Neil                          Graham                          Alfred & Lily
                              Gleeson                Mike                          Graham                          Nellie

                              Glen                   Joyce                         Graham                          James
                              Glover                 Mary Ellen                    Graham                          George

                              Glover                 Jane                          Graham                          Raymond
                              Goddard                Ramon                         Gran & Grandpa

                              Godwin                 Beryl                         Gran and Grandpa
                              Goldsworthy            May                           Grandad George

                              Goldthorpe             Barbara                       Grandison                       Emma
                              Goldthorpe             Ellen                         Grandma
                              Good                   Barry                         Grandma Audrey

                              Goodhand               Bill                          Grandma Minnie

                              Goodson                Charles Russell               Grandpop
                              Gorden                 Steve                         Grant                           Carol
                              Gordon                 John                          Grant                           Roger

                              Gordon                 Mary & Eric                   Grant                           Jordan
                              Gordon                 Mary, Eric & Rob              Grant                           John

                              Gordon                 Alice                         Grant                           Linda
                              Gore                   Mr & Mrs                      Grant                           Lily

                              Gore                   George                        Graves                          Julia and Harold
                              Gore                   Audrey                        Gray                            Paul

                              Gore                   Irene                         Gray                            Charles
                              Gore                   Harry                         Gray                            Chris

                              Gore                   Robert Michael                Gray                            Christopher
                              Gore                   Jean                          Gray                            Lilian

                              Gore                   Peter                         Grayson                         Barbara
                              Gore                   Nancy                         Grayson                         Richard H

                              Gore                   Sidney                        Grayson                         Pauline
                              Goring                 Adam                          Grayston                        Jean

                              Gormley                Mary                          Grayston                        Jack
                              Gornall                Frank H                       Grayston                        Dorothy

                              Gornall                Frank                         Grayston                        Fred
                              Gorton                 Fred & Amy                    Grayston                        Neil

                              Gosling                Judith                        Greatorex                       Mary
                              Gosling                Carl                          Greaves                         Laura

                              Gough                  George                        Grecic                          Jane
                              Gould                  Kathleen                      Green                           Alan

                              Goulding               Michael                       Green                           Hettie
                              Goulding               Eileen                        Green                           Richard
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