Caring for people at home
St Catherine’s provides specialist palliative and end-of-life care for people with life-shortening illnesses in their own homes through a range of services.
Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS)
Our Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) team visit people at home across Chorley, Preston and South Ribble, including nursing homes and care homes. They provide assessment, treatment and support, and work together with GPs, district nurses and other health and social care professionals to ensure care is co-ordinated.
They are available seven days a week, offering expert knowledge of complex symptom and pain management alongside psychological support. They are also able to prescribe certain medications for patients to help with issues like pain and sickness, without the need of a doctor.
Their aim is to help patients achieve the best possible quality of life in the places they call home. The support they offer at the end of life is also invaluable to people who would prefer to die in their usual place of residence, rather than in a hospital or hospice.
Click below to read some first-hand accounts from patients and families who have been cared for and supported by St Catherine’s at home, or scroll down to watch a video.

Hospice Support Assistants
The Hospice Support Assistants are part of the community team at St Catherine’s Hospice, and work very closely with the Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS). Although they are not clinically trained, through working closely with the CNS team they have developed knowledge and skills to help patients manage certain symptoms.
They have skills to help patients and their carers manage issues such as fatigue, anxiety and breathlessness. The practical advice and emotional support they are able to offer in these areas can have a significant impact on improving people’s quality of life.
The Hospice Support Assistants liaise with a patient’s CNS to ensure any concerns that they are not able to advise about are addressed.
Hospice at Home
The St Catherine’s Hospice at Home provides hands-on care, and practical and emotional support. Care is provided by nursing assistants employed by St Catherine’s Hospice, working in partnership with district nurses, and GPs. The service provides assistance with personal hygiene, mouthcare, pressure area care, and positioning.
St Catherine’s Hospice at Home also aims to support family members, carers, and others involved in a person’s care, enabling them to continue their input whilst accessing emotional support. The team provides practical advice and psychological support to help reduce stress and anxiety for patients and their loved ones.

To see more useful resources for patients and families, please click here

28 Oct 2019
St Catherine’s referral process
Find out how to be referred to the various services offered by St Catherine's.

24 Sep 2019
Breathlessness resources
Access resources about the symptoms and affects of breathlessness, and how to manage it.

17 Sep 2019
Relaxation resources
Access resources including meditation audio clips and watch our video about the importance of relaxation and how to achieve it.

17 Sep 2019
Stress and Anxiety resources
Access resources and watch our video about how to manage stress and anxiety.