Care at the hospice
The inpatient unit at the hospice is where people come to receive specialist care such as pain and symptom management.
What is hospice care?
Hospice care not only focuses on pain management and symptom control; we also offer emotional support, and encourage independence and choice at every stage of your journey. Treatment is personalised, and we work with patients and your family and loved ones to help you achieve what is important to you.
People usually spend days or weeks at the hospice. Many people return home or to another place of care after a short time at the hospice, once their symptoms and medication are under better control.
Some people spend their final days at the hospice, where we ensure they are comfortable and continue to have dignity, independence and choice as much as possible. Our vision is to help people experience quality of life to the end of life; at the hospice or at home.
Staying at the hospice
We can care for up to 19 patients at a time at the hospice, with most in single rooms, although some are shared. All have private toilet facilities.
Our team consists of specialist doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists, rehabilitation assistants, social workers and more. Our approach is to listen carefully to all of the details big and small, to get to know you and the people important to you, taking into account your individual needs, wishes and concerns, and supporting you to achieve what really matters to you.
Find out more about what it’s like at St Catherine’s in our Inpatient Unit Guide.
Visiting the hospice
Visitors are welcome at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Many of our rooms have facilities for a relative to stay overnight – either in the same room or in a separate room.
The hospice is set within the beautiful and peaceful grounds of St Catherine’s Park, which are open to the whole community. Your visitors are welcome to walk around the gardens and visit The Mill cafe and shop. We also work with patients to help you enjoy time outdoors and visit The Mill if you wish.
We are committed to helping you and your family to make special memories together during your stay at the hospice, and can arrange things like Afternoon Teas, movie nights, takeaways and sleepovers, and more.
Returning home
It is our aim to improve levels of comfort and quality of life for our patients so that they feel able to go home or to another care environment. If a person’s current palliative care needs are being met, they may be discharged from our services. This happens following discussions with the patient and their family, and in agreement with other healthcare professionals.
We work closely with everyone involved to ensure continuity of care once a person is discharged, so they continue to receive the most appropriate level of care for their individual needs. Whilst we are unable to provide care on a long-term basis, people may be referred back to our services in the future if the need arises. This means we are able to help as many people as possible, providing care where and when it is needed the most.
You might continue to receive care from St Catherine’s in your home after you leave the hospice.
What our patients say about St Catherine’s Hospice
Click below to read some first-hand accounts from patients and families who have been cared for and supported at the hospice:

Meet Tracy from our IPU team
Our welcoming and friendly team is here to support you and your family during your stay with us.
Find out more about the facilities and environment at St Catherine’s from our former* in-patient unit manager Tracy
*Tracy has transferred to our Clinical Nurse Specialist team since filming this video
To see more useful resources for patients and families, please click here

28 Oct 2019
St Catherine’s referral process
Find out how to be referred to the various services offered by St Catherine's.