Page 2 - Autunm newsletter 2024
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Dear friends                                           HoHoHo! Get ready

       and supporters                                         for the Christmas Raffle!

                                                              Spend £1 on a raffle ticket for your chance to win
       St Catherine’s is reaching                             £4,000 and other cash prizes!

       more people who need us.                               Last year we raised... £20k

       Together with your       Hospice care is
       help, the number of      about looking after                                     ...which could cover the
       people we helped last    the person as a whole,                                  cost of oxygen supplies
       year increased by 12%    which extends to                                        for the Inpatient Unit.
       across all of our core   patients’ loved ones.
       care services at the
       hospice and in           We know the value
       people’s own homes.      of taking time to
                                understand people’s
       We reached more          wishes, to learn what
       than 1,700 people        matters to them, to
       and referrals are        help them create
       increasing, especially   special memories
       for our home and         and enjoy precious
       community services.      moments together.                            Get your
       I’m pleased to                                                  raffle tickets now
       report that we’ve        It’s our privilege to                       please, visit
        secured additional      provide psychological
       grant funding to         and spiritual support   
       continue providing       alongside expert                             raffles
       our much-needed          palliative and
       Hospice at Home          end-of-life care to                   or call 01772 695298
       service into 2025.       local people, and
                                we’re immensely
       We’re also reaching      grateful to each and
       people sooner, and       every one of our
       being more               supporters for                Raising the bar for care
       responsive by            enabling us to
       encouraging earlier      continue our                  We’re incredibly proud to have achieved two
       referrals from           important work.               awards this year. They recognise our dedication
       healthcare                                             to outstanding patient care and our innovative
       providers, reducing                                    approach to working with communities and
       waiting times,                                         businesses to generate over £5m of our £7.6m
       improving access to                                    annual running costs.
       psychological and
       bereavement support                                                               I Want Great Care
       through new                                                                       Certificate of Excellence
                                                                                         for receiving consistently
       counselling              Lynn Kelly                                               outstanding patient
       opportunities and        Chief Executive,                                         feedback
       through volunteer        St Catherine’s
       support, and             Hospice
       increasing the                                         Lancashire’s Red Rose,
       availability of                                        Not for Profit Award
       community                                              in recognition of the
       bereavement groups                                     outstanding work we
       for all.                                               do to generate funds

   2                                                                                             Photo by Clive Lawrence,
                                                                                                     © Red Rose Awards
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