Page 43 - Light Up a Life Dedications 2024 after 25th Nov
P. 43

McEniry                          Tim & Ellen                             McKye                                 John Grant

                McErlain                         Joan                                    McLaren                               Arthur
                McFaite                          Debbie                                  McLaren                               Angela

                McFarlane                        Christopher                             McLaughlin                            James Terence
                McFarlane                        Kathleen                                McLaughlin                            Danny
                McFarlane                        Katherine                               McLay                                 Gordon
                McFarlane                        Vin                                     McLay                                 Ethel

                McFarlane                        Kath, Vin & Chris                       McLean Morgan Pickles  Julie
                McGann                           Julie                                   McLeod                                Stan & Molly
                McGarry                          Ruth                                    McMahon                               Jennifer (Jenny)

                McGavock                         Margaret                                McManmon                              Peter
                McGeavy                          Joan                                    McManmon                              Edith
                McGibney                         B                                       McManus                               Morag
                McGibney                         H.H.                                    McMaster                              Maurice

                McGinn                           John                                    McMechan                              Neil
                McGovern                         Michael                                 McMillan                              William
                McGrail                          Richard                                 McMullan                              Neil

                McGrail                          Jessie                                  McNally                               Pauline
                McGrath                          Val                                     McQuillen                             Anita
                McGrath                          Michael                                 McRobert                              Susan
                McGrath Family                   The                                     McWhinnie                             Carol

                McGreavy                         Joseph                                  Meadows                               Marcia
                McGreavy                         Joan                                    Meakin                                Jean
                McGreevey                        Thomas                                  Meakin                                Frank

                McGuigan                         Tommy                                   Mears                                 George
                McIlwaine                        Eileen                                  Mears                                 Rose
                McIlwaine                        Thomas Eric                             Mears                                 Brian

                McInnes                          Lauren                                  Mears                                 Michael & Helen
                McIntyre                         Paul                                    Mee                                   Margaret
                McKee                            Dorothy                                 Mee                                   John

                McKee                            John                                    Megson                                Colin
                McKenna                          Frank                                   Megson                                Geoff
                McKenna                          Michael                                 Melia                                 David
                McKenna                          Matthew John                            Melling                               Jess

                mcKenna                          Terry                                   Melling                               Raymond
                McKenna                          Mary                                    Melling                               Mildred
                McKenzie                         William Alexander                       Melling                               Eric

                McKenzie                         John                                    Melling                               John
                McKerney                         Michael                                 Melling                               Stella
                McKillop                         Alex                                    Melling                               Frank
                McKinven                         Morag                                   Melling                               Joe

                McKinven                         Duncan                                  Melling                               Ruth
                McKittrick                       Ted & Freda                             Melling                               Linda

                             Dedications made after the 25  November may not appear in the first A to Z section of the Light up a Life
                             remembrance book. We will be adding these on a weekly basis to the A to Z pages that follow on at the end of the
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