Page 45 - Light Up a Life Dedications 2024 after 25th Nov
P. 45

Moore                            Sheila                                 Moss                          Robert & Edna
                      Moore                            Frank                                  Moss                          Marjorie & Norman

                      Moore                            Eva                                    Moss                          Christopher
                      Moore                            Julie                                  Moss                          June
                      Moore                            Lilian                                 Moss                          Marjorie
                      Moores                           Mary                                   Moss                          Norman

                      Moran                            Simon                                  Moulds                        Fred & Vera
                      Moran                            David                                  Moxley                        Stella

                      Moran                            Mandy                                  Moyes                         Alison
                      Moret                            Steven                                 Moylett                       Kevin
                      Morgan                           Josephine                              Muir                          David & Teresa
                      Morgan                           Bill                                   Muldowney                     James Joseph

                      Morgan                           Phyllis                                Muldowney                     Kath
                      Morgan                           Janette                                Mullaniff                     Tom Snr & Violet

                                                       Michelle Ann nee
                      Morgan                           Woodburn                               Mullaniff                     Tom & Brenda
                      Morgan                           Debbie                                 Mullarkey                     Mary
                      Morgan                           Shelagh                                Mullarkey                     Carmel

                      Morgan                           Denise                                 Mulligan                      David
                      Morgan                           Dennis                                 Mullins                       Sarah Alice

                      Morris                           Patricia                               Mum & Dad
                      Morris                           John                                   Mum, Jacqui, Ted, Dave and David
                      Morris                           Keith                                  Muncaster                     Jayne

                      Morris                           Michael                                Murdoch                       Valerie
                      Morris                           Peggy                                  Murphy                        Christine
                      Morrison                         Daisy Mae                              Murphy                        Eileen

                      Mort                             Jean                                   Murphy                        John
                      Mort                             Margaret Annie                         Murphy                        Mary
                      Mort                             Roy                                    Murphy                        Tom

                      Morten                           Grandad                                Murray                        Kenneth
                      Mortimer                         David John                             Murray                        Gillian
                      Mortimer                         Tom & Iris                             Murray                        Margaret

                      Mortimer                         Keith                                  Murray                        Maureen Anne
                      Morton                           Ernie                                  Murray                        Marie & Robert
                      Moss                             Mary                                   Murray                        Joyce

                      Moss                             Doreen                                 Murray                        David
                      Moss                             Tom                                    Murray                        Susan
                      Moss                             May                                    Murray                        Peggy

                      Moss                             Harry                                  Murray                        Robert
                      Moss                             Lucy                                   Murray                        Barbara
                      Moss                             Billy                                  Murray                        Maureen

                      Moss                             Roy                                    Murray                        Mickey
                      Moss                             Joe                                    Murray                        Patrick

                      Moss                             Jessica                                Murray                        Robery & Maria

                             Dedications made after the 25  November may not appear in the first A to Z section of the Light up a Life
                             remembrance book. We will be adding these on a weekly basis to the A to Z pages that follow on at the end of the
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