Page 47 - Light Up a Life Dedications 2024 after 25th Nov
P. 47
Nan & Pop Nicholls William
Nanna Lewis Nicholls Harry
Naylor Sheila Nicholls Dorothy
Naylor Francis Nicholls William Henry
Naylor Harold Nicholls Keith
Naylor Edith Nicholson Wilf
Naylor Linda Nicholson Paul
Naylor Fr Vincent Nicholson Adam
Neale Elsie Nicholson Hilda
Neil Nicholson David
Nelson Harold Nicholson Joe & Mary
Nelson Peter Nicholson Wilfred
Nelson Victor & Ethel Nickson Catherine Jeanette
Nelson Doreen Nickson John
Nelson John Nickson Lucy
Nelson Jennie Nickson Tom
Neville Wendy Nickson Rita
Newhouse John Derek Nigel
Newhouse Derek Nightingale Joan
Newman Ken Nightingale Anthony 'Bryan'
Newman Alice Nightingale Bryan
Newman Fred Nightingale Keith
Newman Mr and Mrs F and A Nightingale Kathleen
Newman Mr K Nightingale Eileen
Newman Pam Niven Lily
Newsham Beryl Niven Philip
Newsham Mum & Dad Niven Charles
Newsham Brian Noblett Eric
Newsham Roy Noblett Caron
Newton Judith Noddle Pauline
Newton Mick Nolan Michelle
Newton Edward John Nolan Wilfrid
Newton Noreen Nolan James
Newton Ken Nolan Anthony
Newton Ken & Mary Nolan Christine
Newton Nora Nolan Edward
Newton Joyce Norman Christine
Newton-Hunter Jack Walter Norris Derek
Nias-Cooper Heather Norris Gary
Nichol Christopher Norris Harry & Jenny
Nicholas Beryl Norris Angela
Nicholas John aka Jacknick Norris Jean
Nicholas (AKA
Jack Nick) John North Ken
Nicholls Irene
Dedications made after the 25 November may not appear in the first A to Z section of the Light up a Life
remembrance book. We will be adding these on a weekly basis to the A to Z pages that follow on at the end of the