Page 10 - Autunm newsletter 2024
P. 10

Grief is part of life. But it can be a difficult

       and lonely place. That’s where we can help.

       At St Catherine’s we believe connecting with others
       can help the grieving process. It’s important not to feel
       alone as sometimes it can be difficult to share how we
       feel with those closest to us. That’s where bereavement
       support groups and cafés may help. They are a network
       for people who have lost a loved one to support
       each other.

       Our monthly bereavement support groups at                                     To find out more
       the hospice are open to everyone, and we also support                       about bereavement
       several bereavement cafés in the community. If you
       think you could benefit from support from people                      support groups at the hospice
       who are also coping with grief, please get in touch.                      and bereavement cafés
                                                                                  in the community, visit

       Sharing grief experiences                                                         events

       Members of our bereavement support group shared                             or call 01772 629171
       their honest experiences, which  we hope will help
       others to feel less alone.

                                        “People think there’s a timeline to grief
          “My daft dog                  and after a few months or years you’ll
          helped me through             be ‘over it’, but it doesn’t work like that.
          because it meant              Some people stop talking about
          I was getting out             the person who’s died but I want to talk           “I was numb
          of the house every            about them.”                                       for the first two
          day for walks.”                                                                  months after she
                                                                                           died, and then I
                                                                                           completely fell
                                                                                           apart. I started
                          “I’ve joined a couple of different bereavement support           counselling after
                          groups. Sometimes I don’t talk about my feelings and             that which has
                          I just listen to other people and sometimes we actually          helped, but I found
                          have a laugh or talk about random things like air fryers –       it hard to navigate
                          it depends how you’re feeling on the day.“                       that ‘middle’ part.”

           “I sometimes feel             “I felt relief because she         “I still talk to him. I used to chat to
           guilty that I’m still         was no longer suffering,           him around the house, but I’ve
           here but I remind             and I feel fortunate that          since planted a plant in the garden
           myself that I have            I have faith that we will          and that’s my special place now
           to live for them.”            see each other again.”             where I can go to speak to him.”

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