Page 11 - Autunm newsletter 2024
P. 11

Good for you!

       We couldn’t do what we do without the support of our army of 600 volunteers

       working in all areas of the charity. But have you ever wondered how volunteering
       could be good for you?

       Here are 6 great reasons why you should consider it …

      1     health and wellbeing 3                Processing                    5     Achieve a new
            It can boost your
                                                                                      sense of purpose

       Volunteering can introduce more     Volunteering can help the grief      If you have some spare time on
       physical activity into your routine,   journey, as one of our volunteers   your hands, volunteering can
       getting you outdoors and out of     explains: “After my husband was      provide a sense of fulfilment,
       the house, and has been shown       cared for at the hospice, I wanted   satisfaction and personal growth.
       to reduce stress and improve        to give something back to thank
       mental health.                      St Catherine’s for the way           6      Work experience
                                           everyone helped us both.                    and confidence go
      2     Meet like-minded               Volunteering has become a form              hand-in-hand

                                           of self-counselling for me. I’m
            people and reduce
            loneliness                     doing something that I know he       If you’re looking for something
                                           would be proud of.”                  to make you more employable

       Stepping outside your usual                                              or self-assured, volunteering is a
       for meeting people who have  4             Develop different             great step in the right direction,
       comfort zone can open up doors
                                                  passions and skills
                                                                                and shows initiative too.
       similar interests or shared
       experiences to you.                 You may even discover a new
                                           hobby or interest – it’s never too
                                           late to learn something fresh
                                           and exciting!

       We have something

       to suit everyone

       Whether you want to be in the heart of the action or
       behind the scenes, there’ll be a role at St Catherine’s
       to suit all preferences, personalities, abilities and ages.
       You could be lending a hand on the ward, working in
       our shops, running a stall at one of our events - or so
       much more!

       We advertise volunteering roles on the website as                             Interested? For
       they become available. We also offer taster sessions                     volunteering roles, visit
       so you can explore whether volunteering is right for        
       you. And if there’s something specific you’d like
       to get involved with, please get in touch.                                  volunteering
                                                                                           or call
       Volunteering can be really flexible. Even if you can                           01772 629171
       only give an hour a month, we’d still love to hear
       from you!

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