Page 12 - Autunm newsletter 2024
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St Catherine’s

       readers’ delight

       We asked St Catherine’s staff to recommend their favourite, most thought-

       provoking or uplifting books. Why not add these to your reading list this autumn?

       The House in the                    Living Better,                       A Heart That Works,
       Cerulean Sea, by T.J. Klune         by Alastair Campbell                 by Rob Delaney

       I loved this very quirky book. It’s   In this autobiographical book,     Rob Delaney is a comedian, writer
       full of other-wordly characters     former political journalist and      and actor who co-wrote and
       and is ultimately an uplifting love   campaigner Alastair Campbell       starred in the brilliant TV series
       story, which restores your faith in   talks about his life with depression.  Catastrophe alongside Sharon
       the power of human connection                                            Horgan. A Heart That Works is
       and kindness.                       It explains coping strategies he     his memoir covering the loss of
                                           has used that others have found      his young son Henry from a brain
       Celebrating people’s differences,   useful, and it’s a good read too     tumour. It is angry, emotional and
       it moved me to happy tears.         for those who want some insight      also quite often humorous.
       Suspend your disbelief and enjoy    into what depression is like         It’s a short book so won’t
       the journey.                        for sufferers.                       challenge those who, like me, can
                                                                                take a while to plough through
       Jenny,                              Heather,                             longer novels.
       Compassionate                       Catering team
       Communities                                                              Craig,
                                                                                IT team

       A Bookworm’s perfect Christmas gift …

       A novel advent calendar!                                                 You are receiving
       Why not wrap up individual books and number them for your                this newsletter as a supporter
       special someone to open each day of the festive period?                  of St Catherine’s Hospice.
       Children’s books start from just 50p and novels from only 80p.           If you no longer wish to, please email
       Visit St Catherine’s Book Shop, located at 73 Wellington Road,           call 01772 629171. For information about
                                                                                how we collect, use and store your data,
       Ashton, Preston, PR2 1BX. All of our shops sell a selection              please read our Privacy Statement at
           of books too - find your nearest shop by clicking here.    
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